Coping With Serious Illness

Illness is something we will all experience in our lifetimes whether it’s the flu or something more serious like cancer. Here, we will be addressing the challenges of serious illness.

It is usually difficult to cope with the changes in emotional, physical, and financial needs that illness often brings. Best case scenario is that it is something managed through medication/diet and does not affect the usual routine of one’s life – but what is to be done when the illness is more serious?

If you are experiencing difficulty coping with a serious illness, we at the Orlandini Psychology Group have qualified psychologists to help you deal with the many challenges and changes that illness can bring. Contact us today. We are here to help.

One of the biggest challenges is the change in mood (depression / anxiety) affected by self-concept, how one defines one’s self-value, role in family, workforce and community.

How do you define yourself as a person? Who are you? How do you define your value as a partner, mother, father, son, or daughter?

Are you usually in the caretaker role and now you are the one that needs assistance from others and are struggling to accept it?

There are a series of irrational beliefs that can interfere with healthy coping and adjusting to new roles and new life circumstances. Examples of these are:

“I am the caretaker; I can’t be ill.”

“I do not need help from others, I’m the one that helps everyone else.”

“I’m a failure for not being able to fulfill my financial commitment.”

“I don’t want to be a burden to my family.”

“What can I do for them now that I am ill?

Rational beliefs regarding illness are:

“Everyone becomes ill, I’m only human.”

“It’s okay to ask for help when I need it.”

“My self-worth is not directly tied to fulfillment of financial commitment during extenuating circumstances such as serious illness.”

“Requiring assistance from my family doesn’t mean I am a burden.”

“Even though I am ill, I am still a good advice giver, nurturer, confidant, partner, wife, husband, son, daughter…”

Analyzing one’s thought patterns and identifying irrational beliefs is one of the key components of improving one’s ability to cope with serious illness. 

We at the Orlandini Psychology Group have trained psychologists, specializing in Health Psychology / Behavioral Medicine, that can provide you with invaluable support and tools to cope with the changes that serious illness can bring.

Contact us today. We are here to help.