10 Habits for a Happy Marriage

Ashley Davis Bush and Daniel Arthur Bush share 10 habits for a happy marriage from their book, 75 Habits for a Happy Marriage, in this World of Psychology article. Love consists of three components: connection, communication and intimacy.

Connection means feeling close, sharing and caring. Marriage therapy will focus some on building a connection between the couple. Each member of the relationship must have empathy for the other. Building a connection takes time and energy.

Communication means being considerate and honest and understanding. So often, a couples counselor will tell the couple to communicate better. But what does that mean? It isn’t just send more emails, text messages, and phone calls. Communication happens when sitting at the dinner table, or riding in the car together. Share within your marriage. Be open about how you feel, your goals, desires, and satisfaction.

Intimacy means being vulnerable and authentic physically, emotionally and spiritually in a safe and trust filled environment. Relationship counseling tells us that each member of the couple must be willing to share their thoughts without fear of retribution.

The 10 habits for a happy marriage are:

Having read this marriage counselor approved list. Now incorporate it into your life. First, respond to this list by practicing these behaviors. Second, attach a value to these behaviors by demonstrating and sharing them. Third, organize these habits into your priorities and integrate them into your very character and life plan. Finally, internalize these habits so that they become pervasive, consistent, predictable and a characteristic of you.

Relationship therapy can help build all these habits.