Postpartum Depression

As psychologists and therapists, we often encounter women experiencing varying symptoms of depression following childbirth. The majority of women experience typical baby blues, but some women experience more severe symptoms that meet criteria for postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression can often be mistaken for typical baby blues and may have a long-term impact on the new mother and her infant. Symptoms of postpartum depression may begin shortly after childbirth, but may also appear up to six months after the baby is born. Mothers who experience severe symptoms often face difficulty caring for their babies and they often become consumed by guilt due to their perceived inability to nurture their infants.

It is best to consult with an appropriate professional to determine if you are experiencing typical baby blues or if your symptoms are better explained by a postpartum depression diagnosis.

Contact a licensed psychologist at the Orlandini Psychology Group today if you feel like you are experiencing symptoms postpartum depression. We would also like to provide you with a few tips that could help improve your mood.

Ask for Help

Ask your spouse or family for help when needed. It is important to let those around you know how you feel and do not be afraid to ask for help. Surrounding yourself with family and loved ones will provide you and your infant with support. Additionally, many mothers benefit from attending support groups with other women experiencing similar symptoms.

Get Enough Sleep

Make sure you are getting enough sleep throughout the night. Although you may feel as if it is impossible to sleep with a new baby, it is important for you to get some rest. Ask your spouse or family members to help you out when possible so you could catch up on needed sleep. Also take advantage of your baby’s naps to relax and rest whenever possible. Every little bit counts!

Eat Healthy

You may be so busy preparing formula or breastfeeding that you may forget to nourish your own body. Eating nutritious and healthy food will help increase your energy without the need for additional caffeine or sugar.


Exercise is an important component of living a healthy life. The endorphins you gain as a result of exercise will help you feel energized and ultimately improve your mood. Putting your baby in a stroller and going for a walk is a great way to exercise with a baby.

If you continue to struggle with postpartum depression, you may benefit from the help of a professional psychologists.

The licensed therapists here at the Orlandini Psychology Group are highly qualified and are experienced in treating postpartum depression.

Contact us today. We can help.